We are excited to share our special day with you


Wedding Details 婚禮細節

親愛的家人朋友們,誠摯邀請您出席 Sunny(孔祥昱) 和 Angie(華琦)的婚禮 ❤
Dear family and friends, we sincerely invite you to attend the wedding of Sunny and Angie!

We look forward to your response, regardless of your attendance. Thank you!

回覆表單已經關閉, 若您尚未來得及回覆, 請直接聯繫我們!
RSVP is now closed, please contact us directly!

證婚及婚宴日期:2024年01月05日 (星期五)
Wedding Ceremony & Reception: Jan. 5, 2024 (Friday)

儀式時間:下午14:00 開始入席 • 14:30儀式開始
Ceremony Time: Doors open 14:00 • Ceremony starts 14:30

儀式地點:高雄德生教會 3F
Ceremony Location: Kaohsiung Desheng Church 3F

No. 54, Desheng St, Xinxing District, Kaohsiung City

婚宴時間:晚宴17:30 開始入席
Reception Time: Doors open 17:30

婚宴地點:萊特薇庭 11F Luna廳
Reception Location: Light Wedding 11F Luna Hall

11F, No. 189, Linsen 4th Rd, Qianzhen District, Kaohsiung City

 " We love because God first loved us. " - 1 John 4:19

" 我們愛,因為神先愛我們。" - 約翰一書4:19


Our Story 我們的故事 - Angie


Back in 2013, I moved to Edmonton for college while I was 19 years old. My family and I started going to a local Chinese church, where we got to know Sunny's family. It was at one of their gatherings that I first met Sunny. My first impression was that he was a super friendly and kind guy, very willing to help us adjust to our new school and church life. He's got this easy-going vibe that just puts me at ease whenever I'm around him. He's not just talented and smart; what really attracted me was how devoted he is to God, his caring nature toward others, and how responsible he is.


One day, I got completely lost on campus, so I decided to give him a call for help. It turned out to be our first phone conversation. He was incredibly patient, guiding me over the phone until I found my way to the classroom. This phone call brought us closer, and his kindness made me want to get to know him better.


Maybe it's because we share a similar background and have the same beliefs, despite the seven-year age gap, we always find endless things to talk about. I used to have a lot of male friends , but it was the first time I felt such a strong connection with a guy. I was so curious about him, and I truly value the honesty and openness in our conversations. After a while he asked me out, and we made the decision to start dating with the intention of getting to know each other better.


During our time together, we faced plenty of challenges and had to work through many things to make our relationship stronger. After sharing a decade of our lives, we're now excited to step into marriage. It's hard to express how deeply moved we are. We're so grateful for all the people who supported us on this journey and for God, who's been our rock and guide. We've had our share of tough times, but God's words have been our strength and comfort. Without His guidance, we wouldn't be where we are today- We love because God first loved us. 


Our Story 我們的故事 - Sunny


In the autumn of 2013, I met Angie at our church, and we were both serving on the worship team. One day, I got to church a bit earlier to set up for worship practice, and Angie was also there early. While we waited for the others, we started chatting about all kinds of things - school, family, beliefs, and dreams. That was the first time I met someone who I got along with so well.
It did not take long for me to see how beautiful Angie is inside and out. She is very mature, yet cute and silly at the same time. She is transparent and pure with everyone, especially with God. She is pure and gentle, yet incredibly resilient. Whenever she gets overwhelmed, she can always find strength in God to overcome her difficulties.


After we started dating, we talked about our hopes for the future a lot. Although we did not have too many common interests, we found that we shared very similar values and goals in life. We have fought, and we have been disappointed by each other, but through it all we remain united through a shared understanding of what being in a relationship is all about. Our love is not perfect, but because of God’s perfect love for us, we get to love each other beyond our capabilities. We stay intentionally open and transparent with each other, but we rely on God instead of each other to fix our problems. We like to call ourselves a team and call each other teammates, with whom we get to fight every battle and share every victory together.

About Us 關於我們的小知識

We were both born and raised in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

We both immigrated to Canada when we were in high school.

我們的身高都在平均值以下 :')
We are both short :’) 

We both enjoy good food, love taking walks in nature, and cherish spending quality time with family and friends!

- 和他在一起的時候,我能完全敞開自己最脆弱的一面,總感到我是被愛的、被尊重
- 他幫助我激勵我,使我成為更好的人
- 和他在一起總是不無聊,我們是無話不談的好朋友!
- 我們都是基督徒,有共同人生目標對我來說很重要,願我們能一生一起服事愛我們的
- When I'm with him, I can completely open up my most vulnerable side. I always feel loved,
   respected, accepted, and appreciated, even when I'm not at my best.
- He motivates and inspires me to become a better person.
- Being with him is never boring; we're best friends who can talk about anything.
- We're both Christians, and having common life goals is essential to me. I hope we can serve the
   God who loves us together for a lifetime! 

- 因為我完全不想跟她以外的人結婚
- Because I absolutely don't want to marry anyone other than Angie!

婚姻對我們而言是神聖的盟約關係。兩人承諾將要一輩子去愛,忠於和真誠對待對方,無關乎於內在感受或外在環境的起伏。在婚姻裡學習耶穌基督捨己委身的愛, 共同面對生命的各種挑戰,兩人勞碌同得美好的果效,一起建立幸福美滿的家庭。

Marriage, to us, is a sacred covenant. It's a commitment to love, remain faithful to, and treat each other with sincerity for a lifetime, irrespective of inner emotions or external circumstances. In marriage, we learn about the self-sacrificing love of Jesus Christ, face life's challenges together, work side by side to achieve fruitful results, and build a happy and fulfilling family 




Please come dressed in your finest attire for the wedding ceremony and the evening banquet. Looking forward to seeing each of you handsome and beautiful :)" 

Wedding Ceremony: Guests are requested to find nearby parking spaces near the church on their own.

Banquet: parking is available in the basement of the TAi Urban Resort Hotel. Each guest can request a 4-hour parking voucher.

Yes. If you are bringing more than 4 guests (including yourself), please contact us! 


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